Terms of Use ( Last updated on 6 November 2020 )

By accessing and using any part of the website at www.rajahtannasia.com (the “Website”), you agree that your use of the Website is subject to these Terms of Use and the Data Protection Policy at https://www.rajahtannasia.com/privacy. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the Website and discontinue your use immediately. Your continued use of the Website (whether now or in future) means that you have agreed to these Terms of Use.

1. General

1.1. These Terms of Use may be amended from time to time. All amendments will be posted on this page, and your use of the Website after such changes have been posted will constitute your agreement to the modified Terms of Use and all of the changes. You should therefore read this page carefully each time you visit the Website.

2. Proprietary rights

2.1. The Website is owned and operated by Rajah & Tann Singapore LLP (the “Firm”). The materials and information located on the Website including text, graphics, data, hyper-links, reports, forms as well as any software programs, database systems, or portals made available or enabled on the Website (the “Contents”) are protected by copyright, trademark and other forms of proprietary rights. All rights, title and interest in the Contents are owned by, licensed to or controlled by the Firm unless otherwise indicated. Visitors to the Website may not reproduce, hyper-link to, re-transmit, disseminate, sell, distribute, publish, broadcast, circulate or commercially exploit the Contents in any manner without the express written consent of the Firm, or use the Contents for any unlawful or unauthorised purpose.

2.2. You are granted a limited, non-sublicensable licence (revocable at any time) to access and use the Website and the Contents for your internal use only. Such licence is subject to these Terms of Use and further does not allow the use of any data gathering, harvesting or extraction methods whether automatic or manual. No framing of the Website or creation of any hypertext links or deep links between the Website and any other website is allowed except with the Firm’s prior written consent. We reserve the right, without notice and in our sole discretion, to terminate your licence to use the Website, and to block or prevent your future access to the Website.

2.3. Where information or materials is reproduced from elsewhere, copyright in respect of these works remain with their respective owners.

3. Acceptable use

3.1. You agree:

a) Not to upload or distribute in any way files which you know or have reason to suspect contain viruses, corrupted files or any other similar software, programs, macros or files that may detrimentally interfere with the operation of the Website, or to do anything which would create or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large burden or load on the Website, or gain unauthorised access to restricted parts of the Website or its systems;

b) Not to gather and use the information and/or particulars posted or transmitted through the Website for unsolicited advertising or other unauthorised purposes;

c) Not to disassemble, decompile, reverse-engineer, reverse-assemble, attempt to derive the source code of, conduct load testing, penetration tests, port scans, vulnerability assessments or other security testing, communicate, republish, upload, post, transmit, edit, re-use, adapt, modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, assign, transfer, distribute, perform, display, license, sub-license or create derivative works based on the whole or any part of the Website;

d) Not to use the Website and/or the Contents for illegal purposes;

e) Not to post, promote, upload or transmit information through the Website which may infringe the rights of any third party, whether in statute or common law, including but not limited to any third party’s copyright, patent, trade mark, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy;

f) Not to post, promote, upload or transmit through this website any unlawful, harassing, libellous, defamatory, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material of any kind or nature;

g) Not to use any automated process or service to access and/or use the Website and/or the Contents (such as a bot, a spider, periodic caching of information stored by us, or “meta-searching”); and

h) To abide by all applicable laws and regulations in your use of the Website.

3.2. You shall be responsible for obtaining and using the necessary web browser and/or other software and/or equipment necessary to obtain access to the Website at your own risk and expense. If new or different versions of the web browser and/or other software and/or hardware and/or equipment necessary for the use of the Website become available, we reserve the right not to support any prior version of the web browser or other software. If you fail to upgrade the relevant software and/or web browser or to use the enhanced version of software and/or web browser as required by us, you may not be able to obtain access to the Website, and we shall not be held liable as a result thereof.

4. Disclaimer of warranties and exclusion of liability

4.1. The Contents are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis without warranties of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Firm does not warrant and hereby disclaims any warranty (whether express or implied) as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability, currentness, validity, timeliness, non-infringement, title, merchantability, functionality or fitness for any particular purpose of the Contents; or that the Contents or any functions associated with the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected or that the Website and the server is and will be free of all viruses and/or other harmful elements.

4.2. The Firm shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind, howsoever and whatsoever caused as a result (whether directly or indirectly) of the use of the Website, including but not limited to any damage or loss suffered as a result of reliance on the Contents.

4.3. The Contents are provided for information purposes only and is not intended as financial, regulatory, legal or other professional advice.

4.4. Nothing in the Website shall constitute or create a solicitor-client relationship between you and the Firm. If legal or other professional advice is required, services of a competent professional should be sought.

4.5. Your use of the Website is entirely at your own risk.

5. Right of access

5.1. The Firm reserves the right at any time to require subscribers to pay a fee for continued access to the Website or any part(s) thereof or require subscribers to pay such other fees, charges, or disbursements as it may require in connection with the Website from time to time upon one (1) month’s notice of the commencement of the charging of such fees, charges or disbursements.

5.2. The Firm reserves the right to update or modify the Website from time to time. The Firm further reserves all rights to deny or restrict access to the Website or any part(s) thereof to any particular person (whether such person is a subscriber or otherwise), or to block access from a particular Internet address to the Website, at any time, for any reason whatsoever and without ascribing any reasons whatsoever.

6. Hyper-links from the Website to other websites

6.1. The Website contains hyper-links to websites which are not owned or maintained by the Firm. The Firm is not responsible for the contents of those websites and shall not be liable for any damages or loss arising from access to those websites. Your access or use of the hyper-links and such linked websites are entirely at your own risk. You further agree that your access or use of the hyper-links and such linked websites is also subject to and further conditioned on your accepting and abiding by the separate terms of use, privacy policies, and other policies posted on such websites.

6.2. All hyper-links to other websites are provided as a convenience to you as a user of the Website. In no circumstances shall the Firm be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites to which the Website is linked.

7. Hyper-links to the Website from other websites

7.1. Caching and hyper-links to, and the framing of the Website or any part(s) thereof or any of the Contents are prohibited.

7.2. In no circumstances shall the Firm be considered to be associated or affiliated in whatever manner with any trade or service marks, logos, insignia or other devices used or appearing on websites that link to the Website or any part(s) thereof or any of the Contents.

7.3. The Firm reserves the right to disable any unauthorized hyper-links or frames and disclaims any responsibility for the content available on any other websites reached by hyper-links to or from the Website or any of the Contents.

8. Governing law and jurisdiction

8.1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore and all disputes shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.